Psalm 52:8:"But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever."

Monday, April 5, 2010

So here goes nothing...

So I caved... into the blogging world I go.  This is my first blog post ever.  No guarantees on how great or entertaining my blog is going to be but who cares!  I guess I'll explain what the whole idea is behind my blog and where the heck "Olive Juice" came from. Most people know that when you mouth the words "olive juice" it looks like you're saying "I love you" which I think is cute! The main thing I like about the name of this blog comes from the Bible.  I am a big fan of Psalm 52:8 which reads, 
"But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever."  - New International Version
My own personal goal for my life and for everyday is to just trust that God knows what's best for me and that He knows what He's doing!  I want so much to be a person that is flourishing in God's love.  So in that essence, if I am striving to be the proverbial olive tree, then the olive juice = my thoughts... on this blog. Get it?? Haha.  Also I just like that an olive branch represents peace and etc... so it is all just synthesized here on my blog.  And thanks to a special friend of mine out there in San Diego who helped me with all-important decision of naming my blog.  Funny thing is: I don't even like olives, but I cook with olive oil so, close enough. :)  

So now for this picture I have up there.  Pretty huh?  It's by Vincent van Gogh, one of my favorite painters (along with Claude Monet).  It's called Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun and was painted in 1889!  I loved it and it went well with this olive-y theme I have going so voila! -- it is my main photo.  Here are some of his other olive tree paintings:

 Olive Trees with Alpilles in the Background (1889)

Olive Grove (1889) 

I think these paintings are beautiful! Apparently van Gogh had an affinity for olive trees!  Sometimes I feel like these old artists are long forgotten.  Gotta keep them alive!

Well this just may be it for my first blog post. I'll have to learn a cool way to sign-off from my posts.

One more thing....
Just had to throw the Lindsay brand olives out there... :)  Guess I was meant to have an olive-y blog! ;)

Until next time! (Go Butler!)

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